Data Policy

In our continued commitment to protect customer data and adhere to our consumer’s privacy (please see Privacy Policy), outlines below the rules and restrictions on third-party data collection. This covers all data generated by or collected from and its users while visiting any online properties. Any third party collecting or attempting to collect data from properties or its users (a “Data Collector”) is hereby notified that it is subject to the following Data Policy. is a company committed to the protection of our customers’ private data. The rules and restrictions regarding third-party data are specified below. The following rules concern all data generated by or collected from and its users in the course of using the website. Third parties attempting to collect such data are subject to the regulations of Data Policy.

Third Parties Restrictions

No third parties, unless affiliated with, may collect, use, direct, authorize, or assist other persons or entities in collecting or using any data from users visiting or computers or devices operated by such users without the prior written consent of The restrictions include but are not limited to the use of the aforementioned data for ad targeting, retargeting, behavioral marketing, segment categorization, or any form of syndication related to, its content, or its users.

Companies affiliated with and/or currently partnering with may only collect data as stipulated in their agreement with These companies can not use collected data for ad targeting without expressed written permission. All collectors and their role for a service or a campaign must be disclosed prior to data collection.  has final rights to all data collection agreements with any third party. Any third party collecting or attempting to collect data without written and expressed permission from may be notified to cease all activity immediately. Failure to comply may result in legal action. Any approved third party ushering in unapproved activity may also be asked to cease.

Companies affiliated with and/or currently in partnership with may only collect data as envisaged by their prior agreement with No collection and/or use is allowed without prior written consent. The collectors and the purpose of data collection must be disclosed prior to receiving consent. retains the rights to all data collection agreements. Any third party attempting to collect the aforementioned data shall receive a cease and desist letter. Failure to comply shall result in legal action. The approved third parties are not immune to cease and desist letters should see fit to issue such letters.

Data Covered

The data covered by Data Policy includes but is not limited to data collected via any advertising unit, widget, pixel tag, cookie, script, or other data collection process.