Freelancers’ Failures and the Importance of Learning the Right Lessons

No matter how much we want everything to go according to plan in our life, none of us is immune from mistakes and failures. Those who decide to connect their lives with freelancing must be willing to overcome setbacks. There will be a lot of them, especially at the beginning of your journey. Many freelancers make mistakes at this point – they either start to get nervous and make new mistakes, or they give up and go back to work in the office. It seems that they are not created for freelancing and decide that it is better to stop their independent activities in the early stages so that it does not worsen later. However, as you know, the streak of failures ends sooner or later, and whether you can survive will depend on your courage, ambition, and patience.

So, where do you start your journey to recovery and success? To begin with, you need to try to get rid of the worries about the mistakes made. The situation cannot be changed, but you can draw conclusions and accept the situation and responsibility for the consequences. Hence the fear of admitting another failure, because of which we can stop being proactive. Don’t be afraid to take action and go the hard way. Failure is a common part of work and life. When faced with failure, try to learn from the experience.
Nor should you run away from the mistakes you have made. You will still have to answer for them, and it’s up to you to see what kind of reputation you get out of this situation. The sooner you deal with the problem, the easier it will be to deal with it. If you see that you can not meet the deadline, try to find a way out, ask for help from friends. If, after all, the delay in terms can not be avoided, be sure to inform the client about this. It may be possible to postpone the deadline a little, and you will be able to maintain peace of mind and a neutral relationship with the client.
Sometimes, just starting to build up a client base, freelancers take on large orders for a small payment or endure rudeness and inadequate client requests. Are you familiar with the situation when a client expects you to be in touch at any time of the day and night or is constantly changing the requirements for the task? Sooner or later, you need to learn to recognize these clients and tell them no. Unfortunately, such collaborations are usually more of a hassle than a positive experience. At the same time, you lose the opportunity to work with clients who offer adequate pay and with whom it will be much more pleasant for you to communicate.
Overestimating your abilities happens to everyone, and if you don’t want to give up, don’t be afraid to ask colleagues for help. Don’t be afraid to look incompetent. Explain to them what the problem is and what difficulties you are facing. Your frankness can only play into your hands and will help you to relate to problems more easily. Also, do not refuse to provide all possible help if someone turns to you. Networking is an important thing in freelancing, and who knows how this person can help you in the future.

Over time, the number of mistakes you make will decrease. But in order to gain valuable experience, any freelancer should strive to be organized and maintain a positive attitude in any situation.